Written by Andrea Buckett @andreabuckettcooks
One of the best things about summer is that normal routines get put on the back burner for a more laid-back and relaxed vibe. This low-key style also translates into our eating habits. Although we want to enjoy the bounty of the season, eat outdoors, and spend time with family and friends, we also want a break from cooking, especially on those hot summer days. Shopping at Farm Boy is like having an ace in your back pocket. When it comes to no-cook, tasty, and satisfying summer meals, they make it easy and delicious. So get out of the kitchen and get creative! Here are a few ideas to get you started.
1. Dump and Stir
Canned beans are a pantry winner when it comes to no-cook meals (check out this chickpea-based no-cook sandwich recipe). Start by draining two cans of Farm Boy™ Organic Non-GMO Black Beans. Add the beans to a large bowl and add in one cup of Farm Boy™ Frozen Organic Corn (it’ll thaw in 15min) and one container of fresh Farm Boy™ Fresh Pico de Gallo and you have an easy and delicious bean salad with no prep. Serve with Farm Boy™ Lime Tortilla Chips and Fresh Guacamole.
2. Thaw and Plate
Grand Aioli – a seemingly fancy (it’s French after all), but totally laid-back platter of no-cook items. Start with a bag of thawed Farm Boy™ Extra Jumbo Cooked Shrimp. Add the shrimp to a large platter and add fresh cherry tomatoes, quartered mini cucumbers and peppers, radishes and Farm Boy™ Pita Chips. Pair with one of Farm Boy’s delicious mayonnaise-based dips like the Roasted Garlic and Herb Mayonnaise or the Authentic Steakhouse Garlic Dressing & Dip.
3. Open and Done
Farm Boy family-sized salads have a little something for everyone. On a night when you want no work at all, grab a fully garnished Cobb, Keto Chicken, Harvest Grain, Greek, or Kale Caesar. Complete with dressing – all you have to do is open it and add it in.
If you are a fan of Gazpacho like I am, you won’t want to miss out on Farm Boy™ Garden Fresh Gazpacho. It’s always delicious paired with one of the salads above.
4. Assembly Only
The rotisserie chicken might be this generation’s “tv dinner”. Everyone loves chicken and it goes with almost any side dish.
Let’s make no-bake Middle Eastern-inspired pita nachos. Start with a bag of Farm Boy™ Roasted Garlic & Pepper Pita Chips laid out on a serving dish. Top with shredded Farm Boy™ Whole Hot BBQ Chicken, Farm Boy™ Tabouleh, and finish by dolloping on your favourite Farm Boy™ Hummus.